The study was designed to determine into the grade school teachers’ professional preparation and practices in relation to their teaching effectiveness as a basis for an Action Plan for Elementary Teachers at the University of Cebu, Cebu City, SY 2007 – 2008.
It addressed the following specific questions:
1. What was the professional preparation profile of the grade school teachers with reference to their:
1.1 highest educational attainment,
1.2 relevant inservice training, and
1.3 relevant teaching experience?
2. What was the professional practices profile of grade school teachers in terms of:
2.1 instructional planning,
2.2 instructional delivery,
2.3 classroom management,
2.4 teacher-learner interaction,
2.5 subject content,
2.6 evaluation,
2.7 professional responsibilities, and
2.8 professional relationships?
3. What level of performance on teaching effectiveness was demonstrated in each of the following teaching areas:
3.1 Planning and Preparation,
3.2 The Classroom Environment,
3.3 Instruction,
3.4 Professional Responsibilities, and
3.5 Use of Student Assessment?
4. Were there significant relationships between teachers’ teaching effectiveness and their
4.1 professional preparation and
4.2 professional practices?
5. Based on the findings, what Action Plan for Elementary Teachers may be proposed?
Null Hypotheses
The study was postulated on the following null hypotheses:
HO1 : There is no significant relationship between Teaching Effectiveness and Professional Preparation.
HO2 : There is no significant relationship between Teaching Effectiveness and Professional Practices