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Cara Menang di Kontes SEO

Cara Menang di Kontes SEO - Banyak Cara untuk Memenangkan Kontes SEO, namun pada saat ini saya hanya membahasa sebagian dari tips yang saya rangkum dan tips ini adalah Top Tips for a Winner. Berikut ini adalah Tips Atau Cara Menang di Kontes SEO.

1. Judul Posting
Buatlah judul postingan yang sedang trend atau sedang ramai dibicarakan, gunakan keyword yang unik ataupun longtail keyword. Anda bisa membaca artikel cara memilih keyword jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih cara memilih judul postingan.

2. Gunakan Tag artikel
Pakai selalu setting tag artikel anda dengan baik , misalnya saja H1 untuk judul blog, H2 Judul artikel, H3 untuk bagian arsip, ataupun untuk widget yang lain. Yang terpenting adalah H1 dan H2 yang harus lebih difokuskan.
3. Pencantuman Deskripsi artikel
Saat ini google lebih mengutamakan deskripsi suatu blog untuk membantu mesin pencari untuk menemukan artikel artikel anda, Keyword lebih dikhususkan ke blog yang berisi artikel yang 'gado gado'. Jadi anda harus rajin mengisi deskripsi untuk setiap membuat artikel baru supaya artikel anda lebih muda terdeteksi oleh mesin pencari. Pastikan tidak ada deskripsi yang sama dalam setiap deskripsi yang anda buat, jika anda tidak ingin mendapat meta ganda deskripsi.

4. Kata kunci / keyword
Untuk membantu membangkitkan keperkasaan artikel anda oleh mesin pencari, anda dapat menandai kata kata yang anda anggap keyword dengan lebih menebalkan kata kata tersebut. Sehingga tekan tekanan tersebut memberi tanda kepada mesin pencari bahwa kata tersebut merupakan sesuatu yang penting. Jangan mengulang kata kata yang dianggap sebagai kata kunci terlalu banyak. Memang tidak ada batasan yang pasti untuk kata yang kita anggap kata kunci tersebut, sebaiknya lakukan pengulangan hanya berkisar 4-5 kali saja dalam suatu artikel.

5. Gunakan template yang SEO friendly
Penggunaan template SEO friendly dapat anda cari dengan mensearch di mesin pencari anda, Silahkan download dan gunakan pada blog kesayangan anda. Tetap ingat jangan terlalu sering dalam penggantian template, Jika terlalu sering maka tidak menutup kemungkinan widget anda akan rusak dan template anda akan kacau balau.

B. Optimasi SEO OFFPage

Backlink, ini merupakan cara lama tetapi terbukti sangat efektif sampai sekarang cara ini masih di gunakan oleh para blogger untuk mendongkrak rangking website mereka, pencarian backlink bisa dilakukukan dengan cara blog commenting, jadi kita cari blog yang satu niche dengan website kita dan tinggalkan comment sekaligus menyertakan link ke website kita.

Social Bookmark, untuk yang satu ini kita sudah disediakan beberapa social bookmark untuk mempromosikan website kita, sebagai pengetahuan saja sebagian besar blogger dari luar menjadikan social bookmark sebagai kegiatan wajib bagi mereka setelah melakukan pembaruan posting pada blog mereka. Beberapa social bookmark popular antara lain Digg, Pinterest, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit dan masih banyak yang lainya.

Forum, Ini salah satu media yang bisa kita gunakan dalam promosi website kita. Forum merupakan tempat yang paling efektif untuk mendapatkan traffic, salah satu caranya adalah kita post komentar pada thread yang orang buat dan kita tinggalkan signature yang diberi link ke website kita, thread harus sesuai dengan bahasan blog kita dan signature yang diberikan merupakan kata kunci yang kita pilih.

Artikel Directory, artikel directory digunakan untuk memperkenalkan website kita keberbagai orang dengan cara menulis artikel dan meninggalkan link website kita itu sangat efektif untuk mendapatkan visitor.

Website Directory, salah satu cara yang sebagian orang jarang lakukan adalah submit ke website directory sebenarnya ini bisa berdampak besar pada traffic blog anda, kadang pada website baru untuk berada di page 1 google sangat sulit dan dengan cara menginputkan website kita pada website directory itu bisa terjadi karena sebagian website directory mempunyai pagerank yang tinggi dan traffic yang bagus.

Social Media, sekarang social media merupakan hal pokok dalam SEO, social media sekarang sangat di perhitungkan dalam mesin pencarian google dan termasuk dalam algoritma SEO mereka, karena google beranggapan social media merupakan tempat berkumpulnya banyak orang dari berbagai penjuru dunia dan jika kita mendapatkan visitor yang masuk melalui social media itu google menganggap visitor kita merupakan manusia yang benar-benar tertarik dengan website kita bukan robot yang sering menyusup ke website.

Demikian Artikel tentang "Cara Menang di Kontes SEO", Semoga Membantu dan Sukses Dalam Kontes....!

Tips to Create New Blog in Top 10 Google

Tips to Create New Blog in Top 10 Google - From various sources I've read the new blog is sometimes difficult to make the top 10 google, let alone a top one. But the newbie blogger or the creator of the new blog should not be discouraged, my friend will get a solution to beat the old blog.

Google index is the desire of all good bloggers, let alone make the post in the top 10 google is the most desirable. Below I will share some tips for you:

1. Authored a post or make a post need to choose keywords, which do not want to shoot my friend too plain / generic, because it will not compete with other blogs. But do not be too specific, because there would be no one who can find a blog / site mate or not anyone is looking for the title of your post.

2. After my friend find keywords that fit and suitable to shoot my friend let rivals only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, then please mate makes the article title contains keywords that my friend chose earlier.

3. In paragraph penyusanan try in the keyword or title of the post is repeated in the content but not too often, say 3-5 times.
Tips to Create New Blog in Top 10 Google

Creating a New Blog in Top 10 Google

4. Try these keywords are the first paragraph and the last paragraph

5. Attach Description and Keyword in the design of your blog: - "Blog Description 'is' Sekilasa about or description of your blog in adding keywords in select' - 'Keyword' is' keyword buddies shoot '.

6. Use Biu (Bold Italic Underline) in writing articles especially on keywords that shot.

7. Share to social networking or search for backlinks as possible

Thus Creating/Make a New Blog in Google's Top 10, I hope you managed to do it.

Prevent Breast Cancer With this coffee

Benefits of drinking coffee for a woman was able to prevent breast cancer in which the antioxidants contained in berungsi to overcome relapse in these body parts. Besides women, men can also be attacked by this cancer, therefore we recommend you to read this article. According to the study, if patients taking anti-cancer drugs combined tamoxfin drink coffee, it is very effective in reducing the rate of return of a very frightening disease for the women.

Drinking black color is indeed bitter-bitter can prevent good sleep. Behind the refreshing taste of coffee turned out to have important content that can help lower your risk of cancer.

During this time, the caffeine in coffee is believed a very potent inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. The researchers analyzed data from nearly 6,000 women, by giving 5 cups of coffee a day even more. In their discovery proved that drinking coffee regularly have a reduced risk of breast cancer rate is lower than the less or not at all.
Prevent Breast Cancer With this coffee

Prevent Breast Cancer With Coffee

The study has been published in the journal Breast Cancer Research. In the research it was found that high levels of coffee intake per day is closely related to the decline in the risk of breast cancer or estrogen-receptor negative towards women.

Another thing revealed by Professor Per Hall involved in this study. "This finding floored us, but it's real. Women who drink coffee much smaller risk of developing breast cancer, 'he said.

But according to him, the study will continue. Because, he has not found what good nutrition tekandung on coffee so as to give great effects that can erode ternjadinya breast cancer.

Thus article Prevent Breast Cancer With this coffee, may be useful

Brain Cancer Survival Rate

Brain Cancer Survival Rate: Brain tumor is basically characterized by the abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The brain tumors occur in the brain in two different ways - some tumors spread from a cancer affected part of the body to the brain, while some other tumors start their growth in the brain itself. Given below are the major symptoms of brain tumor.
Brain Cancer Survival Rate

Changes in personality are also observed in people suffering from brain tumor.

Over exposure to certain harmful chemicals can lead to brain tumor. 
The brain tumor survival rates depend on various factors, such as the location of the brain tumor, the size and type of the brain tumor, stage of the brain tumor and whether the patient is suffering from any other ailment. The brain tumor survival rates are around eighty percent for those suffering from oligodendroglioma brain cancer.

Brain cancer remains one of the most incurable forms of cancer, with an average survival period of one to two years.

Factors Affecting Survival 
Several factors can influence the five-year survival rate of cancer patients. These include the size of the tumor, its location in the brain, the type and severity of the cancer, the stage of the cancer and the overall health of the patient.

How Survival Rates are Calculated 
Survival statistics are based on large numbers of people, and should not be used to predict the survival of an individual patient.

Age and Survival 
A patient's age has much to do with how long he will survive with brain cancer, as the odds decrease with age. According to healthline.com, children to the age of 14 have a 73 percent chance of surviving five years, while the rate drops to 55 percent for young adults between 15 and 44. Middle-aged patients between 45 and 64 have a 16 percent survival rate, and the elderly have a survival rate of only 5 percent.

Other Facts

Despite the gloomy statistics, it has been shown that a combination of radiation treatment and chemotherapy can lengthen the life of brain cancer survivors, and in some cases, even improve the quality of life, while patients who forgo treatment do not live as long.

The Brain Cancer presented here are based on the relative survival rate. The overall 5-year relative brain cancer survival rate for 1995-2001 was 33.3 percent. 
The 5-year relative survival rates for brain cancer by race and sex were as follows:

• 32.1 percent for Caucasian men 
• 33.5 percent for Caucasian women 
• 37.7 percent for African-American men 
• 37.5 percent for African-American women.

Stage Four Brain Cancer Survival Rate Statistics reveals that mental stress and negative emotional is responsible for around 85% of physical disorders.

Negative Emotional And Cancer has No Direct Relation

There is no such direct connection of negative emotional and cancer, but it has been proven that negative emotional experiences and mental stress weakens the immunity system. How Negative Emotional Experiences Effect your Body?

After becoming a cancer patient, the quantity of stress and negative emotion increases automatically. The negative emotional experiences interrupt the energy flow in human body.

Tips for recovering from emotional loss.

-Effective solution for fighting Negative Emotional

This technique can be used for all types of cancers such as breast cancer, lung cancer, Bone cancer, braincancer, cervical cancer and stomach cancer.

entertaiment and health [http://americansinglesblog.info]

Brain Cancer Survival Rate [http://americansinglesblog.info/brain-cancer-survival-rate.html]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5197248

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